Meet Dr. Eboni
As an adored and respected Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician, she is board-certified in both Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics as well as General Pediatrics. She is also a coveted speaker, consultant, and author. Dr. Eboni is founder and chief medical advisor of and shares her knowledge via her YouTube Channel as well as on her Facebook professional page.

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Recent Blog Posts
What is a Developmental Pediatrician?
Hi Exceptional Parents! It’s me, Dr. Eboni. I am a developmental and behavioral pediatrician. However, many people that I meet are not sure what a developmental and behavioral pediatrician is or what we do, so I would like to share some information. What is required to become a developmental and...
A Pediatrician’s Perspective on Screen Time During the Pandemic
Hi #ParentPlatoon! It’s me, Dr. Eboni. It’s been awhile, but I wanted to check in on you, considering all that is going on! During these unprecedented times, working towards a “new normal” is critical. We must adjust to survive and come out on the other side as unscathed as possible...
More Zzzs Please: 6 Tips to Help Improve Your Child’s Sleep
More Zzzs Please: 6 Tips to Help Improve Your Child’s Sleep Introduction: Hi Exceptional Parents! It’s me, Dr. Eboni. Let’s chat about some ways to help improve your child’s sleep which in turn, may help improve your entire family’s sleep. Many children, at least 25% of children, experience...